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March 17th, 2025
16th anniversary and release of the Tibetan Stupa
Today is the 16th anniversary of this website going online and the release of the first model.
As a little birthday surprise, the previously unpublished Tibetan Stupa is now available. Stupas are tower-like structures that hold Buddhist relics, and are found all over
the world near Buddhist centers or temples, sometimes also referred to as pagodas. The model depicts the typical shape from Tibetan Buddhism. Stupas can be found in
all kinds of sizes. The model is available a a version with windows and door as well as different versions without including a strongly ornamented one.
All these versions are also available as a detailed and simplified model.
The detailed version also has a removable upper part and can be used as either a kind of compartment for Buddhist scriptures or other items or to have optional furniture put inside.
January 22nd, 2025
Happy Year of the Snake!
Celebrate the new year and the Chinese New Year which starts January 29th with the Stahlhart Papercraft Snake.
There are three different Chinese New Year versions. The version seen on the photos features the Chinese character 福 which can only be
seen if the coiled snake is seen from the top. 福 fu is a character typically displayed for the Chinese New Year
and means good luck or fortune.
If you prefer a Snake unrelated to the Chinese New Year, then there are different colour versions available, including three banded versions
and of course the inevitable paint-yourself version, which you can use to get creative.