December 28th,
Nanchang Q/A-5 re-release
How about building some rockets and bombs for new years eve rather then letting them off?
After years of waiting the A-5 armament pack has finally been released! And along with it, the re-release of the A-5 including two new versions and cockpit kits. Also be sure to check out many new images in the A-5’s image gallery.
Could there be any better thing to kill time until 12h on new year’s eve than building a nice paper model?
December 6th,
I have added new images to the user gallery (Thank you to Hans, Karl and Sarkis!). And I have updated the KX-D version of the Marauder after I was informed by a Mr. Martin that it was actually incorrect. So now this version is more historically correct.
I also updated the B-26 Starduster-version, which had an error (window missing on rear fuselage)
Watch out for the Nanchang Q/A-5 re-release after Christmas
October 10th,
October 2017 re-releases
Welcome to the biggest update of Stahlhart Papercraft ever!
6 aircraft models have been updated to a new standard featuring cockpit kits and thinner panel lines for better upscaling as well as title pages. There are also new versions for the F11F Tiger, Gladiator, Marauder and Draken.
If you like re-scaling, you may want to check the link to the scale calculator in the help/general advice or links page.
If you want to get started with building cockpits into your models, you may want to check the help on creating clear canopies
And we now have a central user image gallery, where soon also images of your Stahlhart-models may be presented!
Actually I wanted to originally do this update for all aircraft models in one update, but it took just way too long, so I decided that with 6 models it will still be huge update and people can already get started while they wait for the remaining aircraft models to be updated.
For details on all that's new, please go here
September 26th,
The biggest update in the history of this website is coming up, around mid-october. A lot of what I have been working on over the years will be revealed. I originally planned the update to be double as big, but that could have taken another 1-2 years. Once it happens, you will understand. Be prepared to build certain Stahlhart models yet another time!
August 29th,
500 years of Lutheran Reformation with Luther's church

Stahlhart papercraft is proud to present a model designed by the father of its founder, designer, webmaster, CEO and only employee: The Stadtkirche Wittenberg (Town church Wittenberg) is the church where the reformator Martin Luther taught and preached in the early days of the reformation. Click here for the info & download page
June 1st,
Images of the detailed version have been added to the Marienkirche model gallery.
March 23rd,
As seems to be often the case after moving, this website is in a total mess at the moment. Downloads do not work, galleries are missing and so on. I will need to click through the entire website and then correct areas which are broken. As I can only do so on certain times, it could take a few weeks until everything works again.
Thanks to the people who have reported dead links.
March 17th,
Today is the eighth anniversary of the creation of this website and a special day for the history of this site as stahlhart papercraft has moved to a new webspace and from now on has its own domain.
If you have reached this website from the, please be aware that the new and future URL of this website is:
The old URL will still work for about one year. If you have a link set up to link to this website, be sure to relink it to the new URL within that time.
March 13th,
I have added the design history of the Chicken.
For those who had a closer look at Marienkirche or Chicken, you may have noted a new URL on the model page. In celebration of its 8th birthday, this site will move to the new URL coming friday. While this will be the only new thing for the birthday, believe me when I tell you things are in the making and will come soon.
January 23rd, 2017
The year of the chicken
On January 28th is the first day of the chinese new year, according to the lunar calendar. To honor this date, I present the Stahlhart Chicken.

It is available as a version for the Chinese New Year both on A4 as well as a decorative A3-spread. Why not surprise your Chinese neighbour? Or maybe you are Chinese yourself. Admittedly usually the Chinese prefer a rooster to a regular chicken as a symbol for the year of the chicken, but its the regular chicken who we should care about as it does all the work, and does not disturb our sleep by crowing.
January 2nd, 2017
Happy New Year
Even if it can't compare with the turbulent early years of Stahlhart papercraft, 2016 has been a quite productive year. It did see two new releases, which hasn"t happened since 2012! It has also been productive on yet unreleased material. You will see once it gets released.
Todays update has added the image gallery for the Marienkirche. A full build of the detailed version will still follow.
I have also added a new section called "Other resources" to the links page. Suggestions are welcome.