Stahlhart papercraft
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3D-design   2D-design   cases   learners
Papermodel design
This section of the website is dedicated to paper model design. Learn about how Stahlhart Papercraft models have been designed and learn how you can create pepr models yourself.




Find here the list of tutorials about 3D-design.

These tutorials are mostly about creating 3D-models in Blender that may be exported as paper models. While the learning curve in Blender is steep, once a certain level is reached, it is not that difficult to create models. These models can help you flatten the learning curve and you can see how models are created.

2D-design (Coming soon)

Find here the list of tutorials about 2D-design.

Once a 3D-model has been created and exported to paper model, the work is not finished. The pages need to be cleaned up and re-arranged. The numbers and tabs Blender creates aren't very good. Learn here the basics of Inkscape, a free software to edit vector drawings and how to use it to improve your model pages.


Find here a list of the articles of “About designing the ...”

For every model designed by me (Chris Stahl), I have created an article that relates the story of how the model has been designed. While these create no actual knowledge, the images and what I relate can give you a good insight into model design process. These articles of coursev include my early models created without 3D-software.
learners (Coming soon)

This page will be dedicated to learners, so maybe you if you decide to start paper model design.

The idea is that this may be used to publish feedback, questions and contributions by the Stahlhart design apprentices.


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