December 29th, 2010
Russian Winter at Stahlhart Papercraft. Here is the Il-2 Sturmovik:

But you wouldn't want to keep your ”Ilyushka” unprotected, right?
So here are some ”Little Friends” to help you keep her protected:
The sturdy Lavochkin La-5:

And its younger sister, the elegant Lavochkin La-7:

November 12th,
Just a quick sign of life. Even though it is going fairly slow at the moment, the development of the Il-2 is continueing. I hope to finish it before Christmas, but unfortunately I can’t make any promises.
September 12th,
I have created another version of the Gladiator. The Egyptian Air Force Gladiator is now available for download

August 18th,
The Nanchang Q/A-5 full release is finally finished!
14 Versions + 2 white versions

There are a number of improvements over the pre-release, plus 10 additional versions, including Camo-Versions, as well as the modified versions of the Nuclear Strike Variant, the Precision Strike Variant, the Torpedo Bomber and the Two-Seater.
July 31st,
I was too busy with all kind of things, and there were some additional problems in finishing up the Q/A-5, but now it can hopefully be released within the next two weeks.
June 18th,
The full release of the Q/A-5 will be coming soon, and it will be worth checking out, I think. For now I have only added a link on the links page, which those who like buildings might fancy.
May 26th,
Only for everone's information: I'm extremely busy at work these days, and will be until at least until the middle of June, so please don't expect any major updates until then.
April 13th,
I have added User pictures of the Draken, as build by Getter1 and Heinz. With kind permission of their authors.
April 10th,
The Armament packs for the F/A-18 are now available. There are two sets of Air-to-Air Weapons, one featuring the AIM-132, which is used on Australian Hornets only, And a set of Guided Air-to-Ground weapons. All sets include additional pages containing instructions for the assembly of each weapon.
thank you to all those helpful people who have notified me of errors in the F/A-18 Hornet versions.
April 2nd,

The wait is over: Here is the F/A-18 Hornet.
If you thought the Draken had a lot of versions, prepare to be surprised. I preferred to not delay the release again only for the armament sets. They will follow soon. With the large number of versions, there are bound to be hidden errors, so please report them if you come across any.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!
March 17th,
Stahlhart papercraft - 1st Anniversary
One year ago today, this website went online for the first time.
To celebrate this, I have good news: The development of the F-18 Hornet model is concluded. What remains to do, is a final check of all versions and putting all of that online. With some luck, this can be achieved within one week from today. For everyone to get a proper impression of the model, I have put up a collection of pictures of the versions that have been build, in the right column. Click them to enlarge or to browse through.
Additionally to this happy announcement, I'm also proud to present another version of the Gladiator, the South African Air Force Version:

Februar 9th,
I will be travelling for two weeks, so there will be no updates until at least February 24th
Januar 31st,
The F-18 will still take some more time, since I currently have little time to work on it. I don't think I can come out with it before the end of february.
To let you see some of the progress, I will post preview pics of versions done along the way.
Januar 13th,
Just a tiny update. I have upgraded the "ATU-222 old" of the F11F Tiger after I found some image how the paint scheme looks correctly on the wing.
I also adjusted the roundel on the front fuselage of all austrian Drakens
Januar 11th,
Happy new year to everyone.