December 12th,
*OMG* have you seen this over at Twitter?

Presenting the first all-new Stahlhart papercraft aircraft model Since 2012: The Cessna A/T-37 Tweet
Check also the quantum reality limited edition versions!
And for those who like civilian aircraft, I have also created the civilized version of the Tweet, the Cessna 407.
Thanks to Péricles and Lorenzo for building additional versions of the Tweet for the model gallery!
oh, and BTW, the Zenith CH801 versions have been updated with title pages and the download pages now include download counters
December 10th,
I have added three images to the user gallery (Thank you Xavier and Asaf)
October 20th,
I have added three new images to the user gallery (Thank you Dan) and exchanged the work in progress image
September 9th,
People to build the Tweet wanted
The (Super-) Tweet-Model is getting closer to a release. All versions and instructions have been created. I am looking for people to help me with building some Tweets for the Model Gallery. While I will also build the Twet myself, I would like to have more images for the official gallery.
The requirements are that you are able to build a clean and complete model and have a good camera to take good enough pictures.
You will get exclusive access to the versions you wish to build and can share images (but not the model files) as freely as you wish or write a build thread in a forum. And if your photos are good enough they will become part of the official model gallery on this website.
To "apply" for building, please send me an email with photos of models you have built on the userimages-email (see contact)
August 25th,
F3D Skyknight re-release and Swept-wing Version
Here is finally the re-released version of the Skyknight. This means that now all Stahlhart Aircraft models have been adjusted to the new standard of thinner panel lines and available cockpit kit.
And the re-release comes with a special treat for all Skyknight-Fans: The F3D-3 swept wing version, which was unfortunately never built in real life. As it was not an actual authentic version, it has its own page, which can be accessed from the top of the Skyknight page.
New user images have been added to the user gallery. (Thank you Leenone, Heinz & Sarkis)
April 28th,
The Pig release is finally complete. Info page and design history page have been added and the instructions and model files have been updated, fixing minor errors.
Also, after more than a year, I was able to add new user images to the user gallery. (Thank you Michael, Carl, Xavier, Laura & Sarkis)
March 25th,
The Pig model gallery is now online!

March 17th,
On this day it has been 10 years since this website first went online. Although my original big plans for this momentous did not work out, I was at least able to have two small surprises:
The F5D Skylancer 10 years Stahlhart version
The F5D Skylancer was the model this all began with and therefore it seemed the obvious choice for a special repaint.
The Stahlhart 10 years Skylancer model
The Stahlhart 10 years Skylancer gallery
Pig of the year
Now available for download: The Pig.

This model is published as a "soft-publish" as there was not enought time for a full publish. The Model is a fully-fledged release, but all the side pages (gallery, info-page & design history page) will be added later.
And what is the reason, why I had no time to finish things? I quit my job as an employee, moved to the countryside and am working on establishing myself as a freelance graphic designer.
If you need a good designer, please check
Once a full website is ready, it will be announced here.
February 18th,
Happy New Year to everyone!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have to update the server software to PHP 7. Certain PHP-scripts on this website may not work after that. This could involve the user gallery, download counters, image galleries and the contact form. There will be no need to notify me of errors involving these pages, I will deal with them when I have time.
And those who were waiting so far in vain for a "Year of the"-pig. It is in the works, but I wasn't able to finish it in time for the Chinese New Year Celebration as other things in my life took priority. With luck I might release it for this website's 10th anniversary.