December 9th, 2016
The Marienkirche files for download were updated, as the previous ones could not be unzipped. Now they should all work. Also, the model history page for the Marienkirche has been added.
November 30th, 2016
Release of the Marienkirche, 1:120 scale
My latest architecture model, the Marienkirche (St. Mary's church) has been released today. The model comes in three versions from different time periods, each of which is available as a detailed or simplified model. This release is a soft release. The full instructions and model files are already available, but no images of the model. The description of the model design process is also yet to come. This is to allow a release before Christmas, as waiting for the build pictures may have delayed a release for one month or more.
November 1st, 2016

Hopefully within one month from today, the Marienkirche (St. Mary's church) based on the original at Hainholz, near Hanover in Germany, will be released. The model will be availaible in versions from three time periods as a detailed and simplified version each, all in 1:120 scale.
October 28th, 2016
An important statement by the founder and operator of this site. Please read.
July 8th, 2016
I have updated the download links on the Bejing Drum Tower downloads page. All should be working now.
Also, I have removed dead links from the links page and added new links.
April 4th, 2016
CH801 in 1:60 scale
Now less experienced builders can also build their own Zenith CH801, as I just uploaded the 1:60 versions. These are also in scale with the other Stahlhart Aircraft models. They may also be a good basis for scaling further down.
March 17th, 2016
This website has been online for 7 years
January 18th, 2016
The download link for Haas Power Air and Lycoming 360 have been fixed.
January 11th, 2016
Re-Release of the CH801, 1:33 scale

As frequent visitors of this page know, the CH801 was originally released in only one version through the Website of Medicine on the Move. At the time, I already prepared for doing additional versions. When the download page was discontinued I felt it time to finally release the other versions and do a few more. Now they are here, for now in 1:33 scale only. But the 1:60 versions will be next. |