December 25th,
Merry Christmas!
It's been some time since I did any major updates. As a small Christmas surprise, here is a model, which I have been doing on four days in October, the National Center for the Performing Arts, Beijing

I guess that most visitors of this site are waiting for another model, but progress on the F-18 has been slowed down for a number of reasons. Now I know, how Boeing felt with their Dreamliner and Airbus with their A400. Both finally took flight. And to show you, that I'm trying, look at this picture:

Oktober 7th,
Just a tiny update. To let you know, how the development of the upcoming model is progressing, I have added a "development status" frame in the "coming soon" column. I thought this was a good idea, since when the models take longer to be finished, it's nice to see there is progress.
Oktober 1st,
For today, I have a little surprise, which I have been working on for some time: The Nanchang Q/A-5. But it is only a pre-release. That means, that it doesn't have all the versions I want to do yet. More versions will follow after the F-18's release.

September 19th,
The "Acrodeltas" version of the Draken has been added, a repaint by Guido van Roy. Thank you, Guido

September 13th,
The Saab Draken is here: 23 versions + white versions + Armament

June 27th,
I added the South African Marauder. It comes in two versions, one with noseart, and one without. These two were actually sister planes, that served as part of the 24th Squadron in Italy 1943-44.
June 20th,
Guido Van Roy send me some really nice photos of the Gladiator he build in 1:72 scale. The pictures can be seen in the Gladiator's gallery.
He also did a Repaint of the Marauder as a captured german aircraft, which I have added to the
B-26 Marauder page.
June 10th,
The B-26/JM-1 Marauder is here. 12 Versions + 4 basic paint schemes.

Mai 16th,
To let the versions, which originally have swastika on them, be still available from here, I created censored versions, that don't conflict with german law. A version with white roundels each and a version using the post-war roundels each.
I have replaced all the pdf-files of the Gladiator with zip-files of them, because they save server space and allow faster downloads.
I have also added another three Gladiator-versions done by Guido van Roy. Thank you so much for those versions, Guido!
(Images removed as versions have been re-done)
Mai 10th,
I added two more great Gladiator versions done by Guido van Roy. An alternate Norwegian version and that of a Gladiator, which was first captured by the soviets and then by the germans and painted in Luftwaffe markings. see gladiator page
Mai 7th,
Guido van Roy has made a Belgian air Force repaint of the Gladiator and kindly offered to share it. I added it to the gladiator page

May 6th,
I have uploaded the first user's pictures. If you build any of the versions not shown in each model's galleries, please send me a photo. Just send a short notice in the contact form that you have photos to send and I will contact you. I would particularly like to see photos of the Skylancer's Navy-Version, the Tiger's short nose Blue Angels version and any Gladiator version.
May 4th,
Concerning Swastika: I removed the Finnish and Latvian Versions from this website, because their distribution is illegal under german law. Since this website is hosted on a german server I have no choice.
May 2nd,
The Gladiator is here: 15 versions in 3 basic versions

April 30th,
This website has received some major updates. The help and about us sections have been completed, and the galleries of both aircraft models have been updated. You shouldn't come across any more 404's by now, so please report if you do. The Gladiator will be available in approximately one week.
April 19th,
I have added a set of external stores for the
operational versions of the F11F Tiger and sets of Tails for both
Blue Angels
Versions that allow to build the complete Team.
April 15th,
Thanks for the feedback and error reports. I fixed
the link for the F5D instructions and the nose section of the F11F-1
Version. If you want to support my website, please link to it.
April 7th, 2009
Two models are now online, the Grumman F11F
and the Douglas F5D. More are soon to come. The Gloster Gladiator
is basically ready, but has no instructions yet. Most parts of
the website are still empty, I need more time to build them up.
I've also added a contact form in the contact section, so please
mail me your comments.
March 17th, 2009
We, that basically is me, have just gone online. Even though my first models were already designed in August 2008 it took me some time to get everything ready for publication. Since I run this whole thing as hobby beside my work, I don't always have time to work on it.
The first model is available now, the second one will follow soon.