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three Boeing P-26s
copyright Chip Fyn /


Boeing P-26 repaints

This model was created by the late Chip Fyn from the legendary papercraft website Fiddlersgreen. For years I had wanted to create Chinese versions of this model.
The Chinese P-26's were special in that way, because in 1937, they were the first full-metal monoplanes to enter into fights with another full-metal monoplane, the Japanese Mitsubishi Claude.
Finally carrying out this plan, I ended up creating a number of other versions I found on Wings Palette. Chip Fyn's son Scott was so generous to publish them on the Fiddlersgreen website to make them available for everyone.
As Fiddlersgreen is not a free site, you will have to buy the P-26 to get these versions. But by doing so you will support that legendary website and ensure its continued existence.

Go to Fiddlersgreen P-26 page.

If you go to the P-26 page at Fiddlersgreen, there is no mention of these versions, but if you buy, you will have the download link:

You may also dowbload this pdf with my suggestions for building that model, which will help you avoid some mistakes I have learned from while building it three times:


Click on these previews to enlarge

P-26 Peashooter of the Chinese Air Force P-26 Peashooter of the Chinese Air Force P-26 Peashooter of the Guatemaltecan Air Force
China green China silver Guatemala green
P-26 Peashooter of the Guatemaltecan Air Force P-26 Peashooter of the Philippines Army Air Force P-26 Peashooter of the Phillipines Army Air Force
Guatemala sliver Phillipines brown Phillipines Camo
P-26 Peashooter of the Spanish Republicans P-26 Peashooter of the USAAF in a disruptive Camo livery P-26 Peashooter of the USAAF in olive livery
Spain Republican USAAF disruptive USAAF olive
  P-26 Peashooter extra parts  
  Extra parts  


Two more photos:

three Boeing P-26s
Phillipine Army Air Corps P-26
copyright Chip Fyn /
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