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Jack, the actual dog that partly inspired the Stahlhart-model


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Dogs were the first animals to be domesticated by humans. When and how this happened is lost in pre-history. There are two theories on how dogs became domesticated: One is that lone Wolves started to follow human tribes around and were somehow integrated to serve as sentinels and hunting-assistants. The other theory is, that wolf cubs were taken from their parents and raised by humans. What is known for fact is that around 14,700 years ago, dogs were buried alongside humans, proving that they were considered as companions.

The common phrase of dogs as “man’s best friend” itself is actually not quite as old as that. Until around the 19th century, dogs were largely described negatively in literature and proverbs, being considered as vicious, ravening and watchful. Emerging in the 18th century and flourishing in the 20th century the dog came to the reputation as a friend of humans, when before dogs were rather considered as servants or even just tools. Interestingly, this shift of attitude did coincide with the emergence of a vaccine against rabies.

All modern dogs are said to have descended from Wolves.

Since their original domestication, dogs have been selectively bred in many ways leading to a great variety of breeds, which vary greatly in their appearance and behavior. From the Yorkshire Terrier, a typical lapdog, which can be as small as 6.3cms high and 9cms long when adult – to the English Mastiff, the largest of which was recorded as being 250cm from snout to tail, dogs can come at all kinds of sizes. Their behavior may range from quiet-stoical to extravagantly playful – but this is of course also a matter of education. The age dogs can reach may vary from breed to breed, with certain dogs having a lifespan of little more than 5 years, while the oldest dogs are known do live more than 25 years. The average seems to be 10 to 13 years.

The dog portrayed in the Stahlhart-model is loosely based on a Jack Russell Terrier. This breed is named for its creator, an English reverend whose intention was to breed a Terrier for hunting with high stamina and the courage and shape to chase foxes that have hidden in their dens. They are typical for having a balanced character and great alertness. Their characteristic bred for hunting makes them intelligent, athletic and vocal. Their height at the withers ranges from 25-38cm and they weigh between 7 and 9 kg.

A traditional chinese dog-papercut for the year of the dog.


In the Chinese Zodiac, the Dog (Chinese: 狗 gǒu) is the eleventh sign. People born in the year of the dog are believed to share certain characteristics of the animal. The most striking is said to be a sense of loyalty and sincerity, doing everything for the person most important to them, and extending to other persons close to them.
This supposedly comes with their good nature, which also makes them amiable, kind and cautious. They are always ready to help others without personal gain, but that makes them vulnerable to be disappointed and ending up feeling betrayed or taken advantage of.
When having to cope with such situations, Dogs may  easily consider the world as evil and overcomplicated, leading them to a pessimistic and critical view of the world. They are also considered to be not good at communication, having difficulties to convey their thoughts, which often makes them appear stubborn to others.

But then, their simple kindness and easy-going nature makes them easy to be liked by others and they have no trouble to get along with most people.

Size: 25-38cm
Weight: 7-9kg
Lifespan: 13-16 years

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